
The Random Indian case-A story of betrayal

There is a big fight going  on  between  Trads and Random  Indian Guy, Before  going  into details let us understand  who is Random  Indian  guy and what eventually  happened  .  We will look into  the whole scenario  in details You can go though  this vedio too understand  easily Case If you see Random ‘s page and many of his post , he was a trad. He was in contact  with all trads and he has promoted  puri shankaracharya and governance math every where. All trads were friends  of him and used him quite well to propagate their secretarian dominant  agenda and their master( along  with  getting  greater number of followers  themselves) Random  was indeed  a trad and these trad networks kept good connections  with him for their benefit ( thus they are friends with  benefit  people) Now let’s understand the  root of the  whole controversy  and understand  what trads are trying to  hide from  people  And why Random 

Modern trad -origin; types of trads and their work.

 For the last few days many of you might be  wondering  who are these infamous trads what do they do ; how they operate and what are the types of trads . Well today I am going  to  write  about  what is the origin  of  modern  trads and their types and how there is caste system shot of devide amongst the trads too and what each group  of trads work for. Origin of modern trads  Trads appeared in front of Humanity nearly 5 years ago. At first, they looked like an Ordinary Right-Wing Hindu, but after a close look and doxxing. They were found to be a bunch of malnourished, internet-addicted youngsters aged between 16 to 30. Commanded by a higher authority. Abusing Girls, Abusing Other Hindu Sampradayas was Trad's daily meal. They attacked in groups and preyed on the weak first. After a few years of hustle, they were found to be one among us. They lived between the Right-Wing and worked for their agenda of Hindu Annihilation Types of trad Attack Trad Founder of upword. Abused BJP RSS

Lessons learnt from Trads .

Here are a few things which I learnt from Govardhan Math Trads. Which can be beneficial for all in the long run. Be Civil To people who have a difference of opinions. We all have been raised, learnt differently and can have different views. No need to abuse, slander and troll taking the liberties of Distance that Social Media provides. I won't ever be harsh to anyone of different Views. Acting like a goon on Social Media won't make someone a man in reality. Use the Block button without being shy. A POS acting wild with an Anon account has 0 Aukat. He is disturbed, going through a bad time. My ego must not be hurt being abused by a pathetic creature like that .Online Harassment Cases work, all you have to do is file offline. Take regular follow-ups. If it is serious and needs attention. Criminals will be dragged out of hell to pay for their crimes. Regular follow-ups are the key, authorised get many cases every day. Make Noise! Govt Authorities spend Millions of on Internet secu

How to get online abusers (trads)arrested

Now a days cyber bullying and harassment is increasing in exponential rate due to people with low Internet literacy are there on social media . Many people had made internet a coping mechanism from the stress of their personal life. So here I am writing to tell:- Who are these abusers?? Why are they like this?? Family background?? Ways to report trad?? What is the procedure and what happens after they are caught??? Every month 1 Trad I knew of goes to jail or faces legal action. 3 days ago a Trad claiming to be Rajput went to jail. He was abusing Brahmins and Bhagwaan Parashuram. These people are not fit to live in a civilised society. 90% of these Trads are arrested for harassing girls. Castist, hateful remarks and other crimes. Most of them are in their 20s, from disturbed family backgrounds. Coping on Social Media.. The moment a case is filed, police tracts down in no time and you are done. ... What Happens when a Trad gets Arrested ? You all might have the follow

Rajasthan child custody case - why not shared parenting??

Few days  ago while  scrolling through the  twitter i came across  this  very interesting  case. The case   The case of Preet Singh & his son Jatin started when a vedio  of separation went viral. It broke all our hearts after an SDM gave custody orders to the mother despite knowing child has been with father for years & taken care of extremely well. VedioπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ Preet & his wife Suman have been in dispute since years. He's an ex army man. He took VRS in April to look after his son. Suman left home first in 2018 (she says was thrown out) & then again in 2020 (again claims was thrown out). Their daughter is with Suman while son with Preet In 2021, Suman filed a CrPC 97/98 case claiming her son is in illegal custody of husband's elder brother & has threat of life. Court ordered police to do an enquiry & submit report. Instead of telling court child is safe with father, they asked Preet to produce child in Court

Bullibai case-A pshco analysis

Few months  ago  there was the bulli bai  case  which  socked the nation. The thing  which  was most  shocking  was that such a  henious  act was done by youth between the age of 17-22 . People  were left socked that how can such young  children  think of doing  such a thing.  So here we present the psycho analysis  of  one of the main  master mind   Neeraj bishnoi . Psycho Analysis   Psycho Analysis of Trad Criminal Neeraj/Giyou   Inside the mind of criminal, Online Abuser and Creator of #BulliBai App  What went inside his mind, events post and before his arrest.  Signs to look for a criminal in making around you .To understand Neeraj, we need to understand the Anime Demon Slayer character Giyu. Neeraj throughout his online hassle went by this Name. He actually believed himself to be Giyu.A typical personality disorder associating yourself with an imaginary character. Anime Giyu is a reserved character, an introvert. As portrayed in the series. Neer

Shared parenting - the other side

I saw few days  ago  the topic that is   "shared  parenting "  Initially like any curious person  I too was curious  to know  more regarding  this topic  But as I go deep I found  many things  which are  objections  . Slowly I realized  that  mra the people  who  push for this law is trying to  shove it down  the people throat without  any proper  discussion  When you hear people  talk  in this issue  you will always  find  there (MRA)people only  talking  on it amongst  themselves with no one who have  different opinions  . The thing  which baffled  me the most is that even when the other parent is being  accused  of  1. Domestic violence  2. Child abuse ( posco)  Etc. They basically  don't  care about  the child  but for then their own agenda  is more important  than anything  else  in  the  world.  One of the anti women agenda of MRA is shared parenting for "all children" Here are some of my objections:- I am against it  The below  is the reason  Note :-